Northwest Fire District Fire Station #341
Located in Marana, AZ
Northwest Fire District Fire Station 341 was designed to accommodate service to its growing surroundings, the quickly expanding area of Gladden Farms on the edge of a proposed commercial district. This site is at the center of farmland, with a master plan envisioning new neighborhood and commercial uses.
Comprised of three apparatus bays, seven dorm rooms and a fitness center, the ~9,000 square foot station is constructed of steel and masonry for durability and low maintenance.
Through space planning and environmental systems, the design provides separation of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ zones of potential exposure to hazardous contaminants. To support crews’ health and wellness, there is separation between living spaces and Apparatus bays by means of positively pressurized airlock vestibules and exhaust systems to ensure healthy air quality within the Apparatus Bays and support spaces.
Direct access and visibility throughout the station ensure safe working conditions and quick access to response vehicles–vital design components. Support spaces are accessed directly off apparatus bays, including decontamination areas, turnout gear, and medical storage.
Support for ongoing training and advancing technology is incorporated into the facility design. A fitness room is provided for physical training. Study space within living areas and Apparatus Bays provide opportunities for varied other training activities. The station uses response technology throughout the station including smart alert systems in each dorm room to tracking of response times, ensuring rapid response to its community.
Designed for its community’s future while responding to its past, the station uses forms and material from the areas’ agricultural past while setting the tone for future commercial development. While the building is primarily a low-slung building form, the apparatus roof form is lifted allowing daylighting from clerestory windows into the apparatus bays. The land purchased for Fire Station #41 was previously farmland, located in a 500-year flood plain. The design included raising the building pad above the flood-zone and allowing for water retention through dry wells built on-site.
Station 341 is a beacon of Northwest’s presence in this remote and growing community.
Station 341 received a Notable award in the Firehouse Magazine, Station Design Awards competition for stations under 15,000 square feet staffing full-time fire and emergency personnel.
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