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To promote health, safety, and environmental protection, Shive-Hattery understands compliance guidelines inside and out – with the knowledge, qualifications, and experience to plan and design industrial facilities that are safe, flexible, ergonomic, efficient, and compliant.

Through our established relationships with several different regulatory agencies, you can rest easy knowing that your projects will always comply with the latest guidelines and standards. Because we’ve helped industrial facilities address all types of compliance challenges, we know how to help you avoid potential problems and keep your project moving forward. Shive-Hattery experts specialize not only in local and national building codes, but also in OSHA, GFSI, FDA, USDA, GMP, CGMP, and EPA requirements (to name just a few).

Our team leads you through valuable analyses and studies to evaluate facility performance and impacts. For example, by conducting an environmental site assessment, we can help you assess your facility project’s potential effects on human health and the environment, as well as identify potential environmental contamination liabilities.

Phase I environmental site assessments can be performed in accordance with the purchase of a property, a renovation or retrofit project, requirements by a regulatory agency, or your desire to better understand your property and its potential impacts. These assessments include examination of present conditions, including soil, groundwater and surface water, air quality, and mold/mildew presence. If potential site contamination is discovered, a Phase II environmental site assessment can be conducted to confirm presence.

Our specialists also survey emissions points, identify point sources of pollution, and help you prepare and complete air permitting updates and procedures to ensure compliance, including providing the necessary drawings and surveys.

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