Expansion of 911 Dispatch Center
Located in Tucson, AZ
WSM worked with the City of Tucson to update and expand their 911 dispatch center in alignment with a larger Pima County emergency communications upgrade project.
The combined efforts of Pima County and the City of Tucson brought the entire county onto an 800 Mhz radio system in compliance with federal requirements. The project scope included increasing the current facility from their existing 12,000 SF space to total of 21,600 SF for use by 911, fire dispatch, EMS dispatch, police dispatch, and administrative offices. The communications infrastructure is in compliance with the Motorola R56 standard for emergency communications operations.
Since this facility is the primary Public Safety Answering Point for the City of Tucson, careful planning was required to ensure that during the transition there was no loss of service to the Tucson community.
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