Eldridge Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Located in Eldridge, IA
With the rapid growth of the community and tighter regulations, Eldridge’s wastewater system has needed to expand several times during the past 40 years that Shive-Hattery has been city engineer. The latest improvements are being driven by several factors:
Over the years, Shive-Hattery has assisted Eldridge with nearly every aspect of capital improvements from implementation plans and funding options to governmental permitting, design, construction services and startup support. Wastewater projects have included:
In anticipation of the new permits for Buttermilk and South Slope, Shive-Hattery along with the City evaluated several treatment alternatives for the lagoon as well as capacity and nutrient removal optimization at South Slope. New permits for both facilities were received at essentially the same time. This combined with continued growth and development, the City selected the alternative to convert Buttermilk Lagoon to an equalization basin, and route all flows to South Slope for treatment. In response, Shive-Hattery completed Iowa DNR permitting, including facility planning, anti-degradation analysis, waste-load allocations, and SRF loan assistance. Shive-Hattery teamed with Trotter and Associates to complete the design and construction services for current upgrades to the system. The 2018-2019 improvements in the process of being constructed include:
The City of Eldridge's wastewater treatment facilities have kept up with the rapidly growing needs of its community as well as the tightening of discharge limits. The latest project will continue that goal and position the City for growth and permit compliance well into the future.
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