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Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, and the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. It seeps through cracks and holes of your basement or slab and concentrates indoors.

There are many determining factors for the occurrence of radon. An indoor threshold is set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Many Midwestern states have much higher levels due to the glacial history.

Radon testing gives you peace of mind. Our licensed radon measurement team can quickly and efficiently test your building for radon. Using the electret ion chamber (EIC) method from Rad Elec Inc., we can measure radon in multiple buildings and rooms at the same time. After the testing period is complete, the canisters are collected and brought back to our lab for instant analysis using our electret voltage reader. We are currently the only licensed radon lab for EICs in the State of Iowa. Reports are generated quickly with detailed and easy-to-understand information.

Let’s create a comprehensive, facility-wide plan for the initial and future radon testing and maintenance of your buildings.

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