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University of Iowa Hawkeye Tennis & Recreation Complex Addition

Sports | Iowa City, IA

Oncology at Broadlawns Medical Center

Healthcare | Des Moines, IA

Davenport Assumption High School / St.Ambrose Univeristy – St. Vincent Sports Complex

Sports | Davenport, IA

West Des Moines Community School District Tiger Field Renovation

Sports | West Des Moines, IA

Oaknoll Spring Street Senior Living Facility Expansion

Senior Living | Iowa City, IA

Blackmer Pumps – Factory and Office Addition and Renovation

Industrial | Grand Rapids, MI

Solid Waste Agency Mount Trashmore Recreational Facility

Government | Cedar Rapids, IA

Methodist West Hospital

Healthcare | West Des Moines, IA

Emergency Department Renovation & Addition at Iowa Methodist Medical Center

Healthcare | Des Moines, IA

Clear Creek Amana Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Building

Pre K-12 | Tiffin, IA

Mary Greeley Medical Center Addition and Renovation

Healthcare | Ames, IA

OB 3rd Floor Expansion at Pella Regional Health Center

Healthcare | Pella, IA

AJ’s Steakhouse & Triple Crown Buffet

Commercial | Altoona, IA

Classroom with folding partition

Clear Creek Amana High School Addition

Pre K-12 | IA

Cafeteria at West Des Moines Schools Fairmeadows Elementary

Fairmeadows Elementary Expansion

Pre K-12 | West Des Moines, IA

Mary Greeley Medical Center Addition and Renovation

Healthcare | Ames, IA

“The results have exceeded our expectations. We believe the new design of our long-term care nursing units will help ease the transition of moving from home to Spurgeon Manor.  We now have a warm, home-like living environment for the residents, in addition to designed efficiencies for the direct care staff.”

Maureen Cahill Spurgeon Manor Administrator

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UnityPoint IMMC – Critical Care Unit Renovation

Healthcare | Des Moines, IA

Cottage Grove Place

Commercial | Cedar Rapids, IA

Global Technology Services and Consulting Firm

Commercial | Indianapolis, IN

Oaknoll East Hampstead Woods

Multifamily + Housing

West High School Renovation and Addition

Pre K-12 | Iowa City, IA

Davenport Modern Woodman Park HVAC Replacement

Sports | Davenport, IA

Medical Plaza at Broadlawns Medical Center

Healthcare | Des Moines, IA

“In my 30+ years with the DOT I have never witnessed such a well-attended and well received event. I was proud to be part of it.”

Douglas L. Rick Project Manager, Iowa DOT

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